
Fibrocystic Breasts

Lumps, Bumps, and Pain

Thirty-three percent of all women between the ages of 30 and 50, and 50 percent of women of all ages, may at some point, be told by their physician that they have fibrocystic breast disease or other benign breast conditions. Other terms women may hear include benign breast disease, chronic mastitis (inflammation), and mammary dysplasia.

What is Fibrocystic Breast Disease?

Controversy exists about the name - fibrocystic breast disease. Some argue that fibrocystic breast disease is not a disease, but a common and harmless condition experienced by women as they encounter hormonal changes during their menstrual cycles.

Others argue that fibrocystic breast changes are a precursor for future breast cancer. Current research suggests that women with fibrocystic breast disease or other benign breast conditions are more likely to develop breast cancer later only if a breast biopsy shows "atypia" or abnormal breast cells.

Most women with fibrocystic breasts will not show atypia when a breast biopsy is performed.

Fibrocystic breast disease is common and usually benign condition. Symptoms include swollen, tender breasts, and/or one or more lumps. Frequently, symptoms worsen just before a woman's menstrual cycle, subsiding near the end. For the majority of women these symptoms are a temporary discomfort, however some women experience severe pain.

Fibrocystic breast disease may affect one or both breasts. Women often discover the existence of this condition when, during their monthly breast self-exam, they detect a lump. As frightening as discovering a lump in your breast is it's important to remember that most breast lumps are not breast cancer. However, all breasts lumps must be investigated to rule out breast cancer and/or to begin immediate treatment if breast cancer is diagnosed.

What to Do When You Find a Lump in Your Breast

Call your physician to schedule an appointment and ask yourself the following questions:
  • What is the date of your last period?
  • When did you discover the lump?
  • Is there a family history of breast problems?
  • Have you had any previous breast problems?
  • Have you had a previous breast biopsy or other breast surgery?
  • How does the lump feel? Is it hard or soft? Does it feel grainy?
  • How big is the lump and has is grown larger or smaller since you discovered it?
  • Do you have any nipple discharge?
  • Are you taking any medications?

See: Understanding Benign Breast Changes

Diagnostic Methods

Your physician will examine your breasts, manually, to determine which, if any, diagnostic tools to use for further evaluation of your breast lump. These diagnostic tools include mammography, ultrasound, needle aspiration, and biopsy.

Steps to Reduce and/or Eliminate Symptoms Naturally

One of the most important dietary changes you can make to prevent or reduce the symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease is eliminating all forms of cafeine-containing foods from your diet. This includes foods such as chocolate, sodas, and coffee and tea. Reducing sugar may also help reduce overall symptoms.

Decrease sources of estrogen from your diet such as commercially raised meats which contain excessive amounts of hormones that can exasperate your symptoms. And don't forget pharmaceutical sources of estrogen such as birth control pills that can worsen symptoms of benign breast conditions.

According to Dr. John Lee's book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause," natural progesterone cream applied at a dose of "15 to 20 mg per day from ovulation until a day or two before your period returns will usually result in a return to normal breast tissue in three to four months." Dr. Lee further advises that once the desired results have been obtained that you should taper your dose of natural progesterone down until you have reached the minimum dosage required for you to maintain your results.

Dr. Lee and others, also recommend the use of Vitamin E, in doses ranging from 400 IU to 600 IU per day, to reduce symptoms associated with fibrocystic breast changes. Other vitamin suggestions include Vitamin B6, a B complex, and magnesium.

If you have tried everything and still find yourself suffering with unbearably painful breasts, some physicians recommend that women who experience severe discomfort may find relief by wearing a good support bra during intolerable episodes.

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